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 Hunting in the Lake District by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell foxhounds by Betty Fold Gallery  Hunting images by Betty Fold Gallery Coniston Foxhounds photographs by Betty Fold Gallery 
 Below Brossen Stone  All Look Left  To the First Draw  Crossing the Beck
 Hunting photography by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell Foxhounds by Betty Fold Gallery  Fox hound photographs by Betty Fold Gallery  Hound images by Betty Fold Gallery
 Owen & Michael at Coniston  Satterthwaite Woodland  Against a Blue Sky  Hot Work
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 Jack Russell Terrier images by Betty Fold Gallery  Foxhound pictures by Betty Fold Gallery Fox Hunting images by Betty Fold Gallery   Foxhound studies by Betty Fold Gallery
 Jack Russell's  Eyes Right  Keep Behind  Looking Hopeful
 Foxhounds in the Lake District by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell Foxhunting in the Lake District by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell hunting photographs by Betty Fold Gallery  Hunting photography by Betty Fold Gallery
 Two Hounds in Trees  Ready to Go  1st Day on Garburn  Huntsmen Heading Home
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 Hunting images by Betty Fold Gallery  Hunting pictures by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell packs prints by Betty Fold Gallery Coniston hounds by Betty Fold Gallery 
 Knocknagashel  Huntsmen Resting  Get off that table  In Deep Brackens
 Cumbrian fell pack pictures by Betty Fold Gallery  Huntsman and hounds images by Betty Fold Gallery  Hounds heads by Betty Fold Gallery  Drunken Duck Inn hunting by Betty Fold Gallery
 Above the Kennels  Bet thats nice  Heads  New Year's Day 2010
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 Hound photographs by Neil Salisbury  Hutning photos by Betty Fold Gallery  hounds by Neil Salisbury  Coniston Foxhounds by Neil Salisbury
 Four Hounds  By The Forestry  Biscuits?  The Coniston in Ireland
Foxhounds in Cumbria by Betty Fold Gallery  Beagle Photography by Betty Fold Gallery  Beagle photography by Neil Salisbury  Foxhound photography by Betty Fold Gallery
 The Pack in the Woods  Anxious Beagles  BSSNS Beagles  Counting Up
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 BSSNS Beagles photography by Betty Fold Gallery  Lakeland hunting pictures by Betty Fold Gallery  Coniston Foxhound Images by Betty Fold Gallery Hound photography by Betty Fold Gallery 
 Beagles in Lane  Mountain Country  On the Mosses  Amongst the Gorse
 Hunting photographs by Betty Fold Gallery  Hound images by Betty Fold Gallery  Fell foxhunting by Betty Fold Gallery  Coniston Hounds images by Betty Fold Gallery
 Blowin in't Rain  Mixed Pack  Stormy Skies  Wagtail's High Jump
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